Going Easy on Yourself at Home

dead cat

Since I became a personal trainer, one of things I noticed is that I seem to have less time to workout than I did when I was just a regular gym-goer. I have even blogged about how this trainer needs his own trainer. Over the years, when I worked with a trainer, I was pushed a lot harder than I push myself–which is why a lot of us get personal trainers in the first place. Now, I have to rely on myself…and sometimes I go too easy.

I have noticed that some of my clients (many!) are taking the easy route too during this period of isolation and social distancing. I communicate with them about what they are doing to stay fit and from some I get either “I go out for a walk” or “I’m mostly just sitting on my couch.” This is not a formula for long-term fitness. Much of the progress that we make on our fitness journey can be undone quickly if we are not persistent.

As many of you know, I have been doing a daily online workout through Facebook Live. I create the workout every day. I find that now I have the time to work out longer than I usually do. Not only that, these workouts are pushing me harder than I would otherwise. I cannot wimp out when I know that people out there are expecting a good workout each morning. Also, unlike people who log into the workout, I cannot just leave in the middle or take a break. I’ve got to keep going!

I saw a meme recently that said “You will either finish this period in the worst shape of your life or in the best shape of your life.” True dat. Most of us have a lot of time on our hands now. It is a great time to catch up on books we’ve been meaning to read, binge-watch that new series, or do that puzzle that’s been on the shelf for a few years. It is an even better time to commit to our own good health and fitness. Now is not the time to go easy on ourselves. Now is the time to build ourselves up. We’ll be glad we did–not just now, but when this period in our lives finally winds down.

Follow my daily workouts by joining the Kosher-Fitness Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/657944601631108/.